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Pelandros ("Walled town at Andros"), or Androbel is an old settlement at western bank of Crossing of Cair Andros. It locates between Lisclorn and Osgiliath at Anórien


It is possible that a permanent military camp already existed at Pre-Alliance Colonial era. A garrison was first built and townland formed around it with city walls. At Ship Kings' reign, Pelandros was a city of modest size where dual authorities of Captain(Hest) and Warden(Tirn) existed. During Kinstrife Castamir besieged and took the city, great fire rampaged everything within. King Eldacar had to recover it at his second reign. The city still continued to prosper, even through the era of Plague and chaos on outer fiefs. But Fall of Rhûnaer and Rhovanion, gradual ruralization of Calenardhon towns and Osgiliath meant shrinking economic value of Pelandros. Progressive ruralization is quite clear, despite continous emigrants from Ithilien between 25-29th centuries. At some point of late third millenium, seat of Warden was abolished and authority integrated with Captain. Captain of Pelandros also became subject to Captain of Cair Andros. Steward Túrin II renewed garrison of Pelandros, moving most of troops to eastern part of the city. At the last century, Pelandros has come to desertion of most people. In TA 3006, the town merely consists of the garrison and community of farmsteads and artisans that support Cair Andros.


Pelandros is a seat of Captain-Governor. Even at our time, Pelandros works as center of local administration and place of law court.




Old garrison



House of Healing

Market courtyard

Old house of Warden

Garrison of Túrin II

