TerraSniper Guide

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TerraSniper is a Minecraft modification for Fabric and Forge developed and maintained by JayemCeekay. It is an implementation of a popular server plugin known as VoxelSniper. Similarly to WorldEdit, TerraSniper allows for mass editing of blocks in-game via sized brushes designed for terrain manipulation or "terraforming". TerraSniper uses the Arrow and Gunpowder items in Minecraft as the main tools to trigger different brush actions.

MetaBrushes is a Minecraft modification for Fabric and Forge developed and maintained by JayemCeekay. It is an extension to TerraSniper which adds additional functions.

Toolkit: TerraSniper uses a toolkit system that makes it so only certain items can be used to perform a desired brush action or run certain commands. The specific functionality or requirement of the toolkit will be noted where appropriate. In general you must have an item from the toolkit selected in your hotbar to run commands that change your brush or brush settings.

Command Syntax: TerraSniper has many commands and subcommands with a range of required and/or optional parameters. This guide will denote required commands with <diamond brackets> and optional commands with [square brackets].

TerraSniper Nomenclature: Being an implementation of VoxelSniper, TerraSniper uses several names and descriptors that are quite dated and may not reflect the current technology of Minecraft. This nomenclature will be described where needed.

TerraSniper Commands


File:Sniper cheat sheet new.png
VoxelSniper Cheat Sheet. Last Update: 9/1/11

/ts tools default: Will add the default toolkit items to your inventory. You can only have one type of tool kit in your inventory at a time. If you have multiple items from a toolkit in your inventory, only the first will occurrence of each item will have it's settings updated appropriately when running certain commands.

/ts d: Resets your toolkit to the default brush settings.

  • If you are new to TerraSniper, it is recommend to get in the habit of running this command after every job, especially if you are doing heavy terraforming where one click can cause a big mess to clean up.

/ts safety: Toggles TerraSniper for your client. TerraSniper will be disabled by default upon joining the server.

  • It is recommend that you keep TerraSniper disabled until you are ready to begin terraforming and disabling it after you are done.

/ts: This command will give you a printout of your toolkit's current settings, letting you check them over before you pull the trigger.

/ts brushes: Brush List. This command returns all of TerraSniper's brush options.

/ts range <sniper range>: Changes the maximum distance in blocks at which brushes can be used. It is generally recommended to keep this number small, unless you plan on doing large terraforming jobs.

  • Ex: /ts range 10


/ts b <brush name> [brush settings | performer pattern]: The brush command is the gateway to the TerraSniper box of world-editing wonders. This command allows you to change the active brush type, its size, or any number of settings associated with that brush. Many brushes behave wildly differently depending on the settings you've loaded, so make sure you know what variables you are working with before pulling the trigger!

  • Tip: Each brush has it's own in-game manual! To access this, run the command /ts b <brush name> info for your desired brush.
  • Ex: /ts b b info will give you information on the ball brush.

In general, brushes determine WHERE blocks change (such as in a ball shape) whereas performers determine HOW blocks change (such as with properties or no-physics). Performers are changed by adding the desired performer pattern after the brush name in the brush command.

Performer Patterns

TerraSniper uses the following performers pattern in the brush command: <placement-option>[replacement-option][extras]

The placement and replacement slots relate to how blocks are set or replaced by brushes. They accept either the material(m) or combo(c) performers.

  • The material(m) performer makes it so a brush will only operate on or with the material of a block. It will not respect the block's properties.
  • The combo(c) performer does the opposite. It tells the brush to respect both the material and properties of the block when setting or replacing blocks.

The extras slot is optional and accepts the no-physics(p) performer which prevents neighboring blocks from receiving block updates.

If no performers are given, the brush will use a default performer pattern of "m". If you wish to set the replacement or span style="color: blue">extras performers, the placement performer is required.

  • Ex: A "plain" ball brush is /ts b b (m, the default pattern, will only operate with a block's material)
  • Ex: A "plain no-physics" ball brush is /ts b b mp (mp, will only operate with a block's material and will not trigger block updates)
  • Ex: A "combo material replace" ball brush is /b b cm (cm, will place a block with material and properties, but will replace blocks with a material regardless of their properties)
  • Note: Some brushes, such as the erosion brush, do not use performers.

Materials and Inks

A Voxel is the general term used to represent a block's material. In modern versions of Minecraft, Ink represents the specific properties that can be set on a block.

For each of the following commands, the "block identifier" argument can be left blank to use the material and properties of the block you are looking at.

/ts v [block identifier]: Sets the voxel/material to be used by brushes that set or place blocks.

  • Ex: /ts v minecraft:stone_slab

/ts vr [block identifier]: Sets the specific material required for a block to be replaced by brushes configured with a replacement performer.

  • Ex: /ts vr minecraft:stone_slab

/ts vi [block identifier]: Sets the ink/properties to be used by brushes that set or place blocks.

  • Ex: /ts vi minecraft:stone_slab[type=top,waterlogged=true]

/ts vir [block identifier]: Sets the specific properties required for a block to be replaced by brushes configured with a replacement performer.


//undo: Undo. TerraSniper makes use the the WorldEdit edit history. Running this command will revert the affected area from your last snipe to it's prior state.

  • Note: There is no substitute for ensuring you have your toolkit is set correctly before clicking. Always start small and then size your brush up, and use large brush sizes at your own risk! Snipes with a brush size larger than size 15 should rarely be used. Remember to always check your settings with "/ts" and reset your brush with "/ts d" after a heavy snipe session!
  • Note: When sniping with blocks that are affected by gravity like Sand or Gravel, blocks that fall out of the actual snipe-zone will not be included in the undo.

MetaBrushes Commands