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Anfalas (often rendered into English in the the archaic form 'Langstrand') is a region of Gondor, spanning the coast between the Morthond and Lefnui rivers.


Its people were probably mostly pre-Númenórean in origin - of the same sort of "fisher-folk" who fled from Edhellond towards the mountains when the Elves arrived there. By the end of the Third Age, Anfalas seems to have been a poor region, far from the great cities of eastern Gondor, characterised by subsistence farming and hunting. However, they were loyal to Gondor:

From the Anfalas, the Langstrand far away, a long line of men of many sorts, hunters and herdsmen and men of little villages, scantily equipped save for the household of Golasgil their lord.

Anfalas contains the following settlements:

  • Town 1 - coastal, mostly trading with Dol Amroth (300)
  • Town 2 - along the Morthond river (175)
  • Village (100)
  • 5 hamlets (50-75 each)
  • 10 farmsteads

Climate and ecology

The climate and vegetation of Anfalas resembles the Ibero-French Maquis and Garrigue. It contains the following vegetation zones:

  • J14 - Catalonian-Provencal meso-Mediterranean holm oak forests (Quercus ilex) with Quercus coccifera, Euphorbia characias, Viburnum tinus
  • P11 - West- and middle-Mediterranean sand-dune vegetation complexes