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Isengard (a translation of the Sindarin Angrenost, or "Iron Enclosure") is a large fortress at the southern tip of the Misty Mountains.


Isengard was founded by the Men of Gondor late in the Second Age. It was built to serve as a critical defense point for the vulnerable Gap of Rohan, and to house one of the seven Seeing-Stones. It was governed by a Warden, appointed by the King. As the kingdom of Gondor declined and its hold over the western regions grew tenuous, the last Warden was recalled to Minas Tirith. Though a small number of guards remained, over the generations their population became increasingly mixed with the Dunlendings. Beren, the Steward of Gondor, wished to reclaim the fortress but lacked the strength to guard it. In TA 2759, when the wizard Saruman returned from the East and volunteered to serve as Warden, Beren gladly obliged. For many years Saruman remained a faithful Warden, though in recent years he has begun secretly pursuing his ambitions of conquest.


Isengard has two features: the tower of Orthanc and the circular wall that surrounds it. Orthanc is described as "a tower of marvellous shape" made of black volcanic stone.

It was fashioned by the builders of old, who smoothed the Ring of Isengard, and yet it seemed a thing not made by the craft of Men, but riven from the bones of the earth in the ancient torment of the hills. A peak and isle of rock it was, black and gleaming hard: four mighty piers of many-sided stone were welded into one, but near the summit they opened into gaping horns, their pinnacles sharp as the points of spears, keen-edged as knives. Between them was a narrow space, and there upon a floor of polished stone, written with strange signs, a man might stand five hundred feet above the plain.

The tower has one entrance, a small door on the east side at the top of 27 wide stone steps. Further up the tower is a balcony overlooking the entrance, and many tall windows "like little eyes." As it exists on the server, the interior of the tower is divided into the following floors:

  1. Entry hall
    • Quarters for guards and servants
    • Rookery
    • Armory
  2. Throne room
  3. Council chamber
    • 3 guest rooms for visiting dignitaries
  4. Dining room, kitchens, pantries
  5. Library
  6. Chambers for private study
  7. Saruman’s private lab/workshop
  8. Saruman’s quarters
  9. Treasure chambers

The surrounding wall is similarly natural in appearance, "a ring-wall like towering cliffs." Based on Tolkien's drawings, it contains multiple levels, originally providing housing, workshops and storage for its Gondorian garrison.

The interiors of both Orthanc and the wall, carved from living rock, use the same Old Númenórean style that is seen in the oldest structures in Gondor. It has a megalithic quality that resembles Ancient Egypt and Bronze-Age Greece.


Though there are many farms in the Wizard's Vale surrounding the fortress, Isengard requires additional grain and foodstuffs in order to feed Saruman's rapidly growing army. Consequently much grain, vegetables and livestock are imported from Dunland as part of their tribute.