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Rohan was a Mannish kingdom on the northern borders of Gondor. It was the territory of the Rohirrim, a people of herdsmen and farmers. Well-known for their horses and cavalry, they were Gondor's most important ally.


The borders of Rohan were the river Isen from its junction with the river Adorn and then northwards to the outer walls of Isengard and the river Adorn in the west; from the outer walls of Isengard eastwards and northwards along the eaves of Fangorn Forest to the river Limlight in the north; the river Anduin and the west-cliff of the Emyn Muil hills down to the marshes of the mouths of the river Entwash and beyond those marshes the Mering stream that flowed from the Wood of Anwar to join the river Entwash in the east and the White Mountains as far as the end of their northward arm in the south