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{{#invoke:Hello World|hello}}
{{#invoke:Hello World|hello}}

{{Mbox|text=Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ut efficitur purus. Suspendisse pellentesque est auctor ipsum rhoncus, vitae fermentum turpis mollis. Phasellus mollis feugiat libero, non tincidunt magna aliquam eget. Maecenas ultrices aliquet pellentesque. Duis dapibus aliquam dignissim. Vivamus quam risus, vulputate quis tristique et, fermentum vitae mauris. Integer id laoreet neque. Mauris erat ex, dignissim nec justo non, ultrices pulvinar libero. Phasellus euismod ornare est, eget bibendum turpis varius nec. Quisque aliquam condimentum felis, sit amet tempus augue. Aliquam cursus scelerisque maximus. Nulla facilisi.
{{Mbox|text=I hope I am readable, otherwise, I would be very very sad :(}}{{Mbox|text=This article may be '''very stupid.''' Please be warned.}}

Sed at est vel nisi varius porttitor. Quisque aliquam arcu ut eros finibus commodo. Praesent at tortor efficitur, tincidunt velit non, luctus dolor. Donec in hendrerit justo, ut egestas ipsum. In magna metus, suscipit in luctus sed, egestas in arcu. Nunc dapibus faucibus nisi eu commodo. Nunc placerat est et rhoncus blandit. Fusce turpis nulla, pharetra non pharetra ac, vulputate eu risus. Nam vehicula luctus rhoncus. Aliquam suscipit justo nunc. Cras id laoreet nibh, et faucibus tortor. In mollis mi vel magna lobortis porttitor. Duis eu urna nibh. Sed a lacus et lectus convallis condimentum hendrerit sed dolor.}}
=== Sub Section ===
{{Clickable button 2|style=margin:5px; width:40%;|link=Middle Earth|Middle Earth|class=mw-ui-progressive}}
Map should be included in each section.
==Architectural epochs and timeline of Gondor==
|-|EPOCH I: Númenor’s Reign=
Colonial Period (SA 2350-3320)=
[[File:Gondor arch 1.png|thumb|500px|The Tal-Elmar/Agar & Udul location is theoretical. It could also be near the site of Linhir or Ethir Anduin, before the Númenoreans settled in those regions.]]
Pelargir is founded, and various satellite settlements around it. Trade with Edhellond, encounters with the Men of the Mountains (dead men) and other Tall Men and such who lived in the area.
* Early cities would be founded around colonial centres/manor or palace complexes, nobles from Númenor’s old established mansions etc. from a pre-faithful time perhaps as well?
* Pelargir and Dol Amroth are said to have been founded as explicitly settlements by and for the Faithful after the dichotomy between King's Men and Faithful had emerged. The logging issue had taken place centuries earlier starting under Aldarion before the Rings of Power, and was a primary issue mainly in Enedwaith and Minhiriath.
* The settlers of Pelargir are explicitly said to have not interacted with the Men of the White Mountains for some years after the founding of the city, and when they did so it was friendly. It is doubted that enslavement or logging were thus of primary concern to the settlements in Gondor. It was primarily a Puritans/Pilgrims situation of religious persecution as well as political asylum, combined with a desire to dwell nearer to the Elves and a need to keep an eye on the doings of Sauron nearby.
* Tower complex in this period facing westward in their palaces (toward the holy mountain in Númenor)
** Palaces centred around logging or trade/enslavement would have grown towns around them.
** Good equivalent for Pelargir would be Boston; the Faithful founded the city due to persecution, but unlike Boston were backed by several great families from Númenor.
|-|EPOCH II: Early Gondor=
Foundation Period=
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Establishment Period=
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|-|EPOCH III: Expansionist Gondor=
Ship-Kings Period=
Tab content G goes here.
Decadent Period=
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|-|EPOCH IV: Zenith=
Content here
|-|EPOCH V: Strife=
Kinstrife (The First Evil)=
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Turbulent Period (The Second Evil)=
Tab content H goes here.
===What happens===
===If I do===
=== his===
|-|EPOCH VI: Decline=
Wainrider Period (The Third Evil)=
Tab content G goes here.
Last Kings Period=
Tab content H goes here.
The Watchful Peace=
Tab content I goes here.
Rohirric Period=
Tab content I goes here.
Restless Period=
Tab content I goes here.
The War of the Ring=
Tab content I goes here.
|-|Present Day=
<div class="mw-customtoggle-myDivision" style="display:inline-block;background:rgba(128,128,128,0.5);color:white;padding:5px;border-radius:5px;outline:none;user-select:none">Spoiler 1</div>
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¡HI! I am a spoiler

Latest revision as of 22:45, 14 May 2023

Lets just get this out of the way

Hello, world!

. .

Sub Section

Middle Earth

Map should be included in each section.

Architectural epochs and timeline of Gondor

The Tal-Elmar/Agar & Udul location is theoretical. It could also be near the site of Linhir or Ethir Anduin, before the Númenoreans settled in those regions.

Pelargir is founded, and various satellite settlements around it. Trade with Edhellond, encounters with the Men of the Mountains (dead men) and other Tall Men and such who lived in the area.


  • Early cities would be founded around colonial centres/manor or palace complexes, nobles from Númenor’s old established mansions etc. from a pre-faithful time perhaps as well?
  • Pelargir and Dol Amroth are said to have been founded as explicitly settlements by and for the Faithful after the dichotomy between King's Men and Faithful had emerged. The logging issue had taken place centuries earlier starting under Aldarion before the Rings of Power, and was a primary issue mainly in Enedwaith and Minhiriath.
  • The settlers of Pelargir are explicitly said to have not interacted with the Men of the White Mountains for some years after the founding of the city, and when they did so it was friendly. It is doubted that enslavement or logging were thus of primary concern to the settlements in Gondor. It was primarily a Puritans/Pilgrims situation of religious persecution as well as political asylum, combined with a desire to dwell nearer to the Elves and a need to keep an eye on the doings of Sauron nearby.
  • Tower complex in this period facing westward in their palaces (toward the holy mountain in Númenor)
    • Palaces centred around logging or trade/enslavement would have grown towns around them.
    • Good equivalent for Pelargir would be Boston; the Faithful founded the city due to persecution, but unlike Boston were backed by several great families from Númenor.

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Tab content E goes here.

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Content here }}

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Tab content H goes here. ===What happens=== ===If I do=== === his===

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Tab content I goes here.
Tab content I goes here.
Tab content I goes here.

hi }}

Spoiler 1

¡HI! I am a spoiler